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Christoph Breetz
Associate Finance Director DACH
11 yrs at P&G

Why should anyone consider P&G as employer?
P&G offers the opportunity to experience full responsibility for your business area as of day 1, which will continue throughout your career. Further, given the assignment rotation at P&G there is a lot of room to develop as a well-rounded finance manager.

How would you describe your colleagues?
People at P&G are diverse in all aspects. This makes working at P&G a great experience as there is – apart from a wide range of professional skills - a lot to discover

Have you been on an international assignment?
Actually, whilst having started in Frankfurt and currently being in Frankfurt, I spend most of my career in Geneva (Switzerland), doing various roles in Corporate Finance, Financial and Strategic Planning and Financial Analysis across different business units.

Fabian Gentgen
Key Account Manager
2.5 yrs at P&G

What is your favorite part of the job?
The strategies I implement for my costumer have an immediate impact on the ‘real’ world. Every time I visit a retailer store I can see the changes I worked with my customer.

What is the key learning from your current role?
That understanding both customer & shopper is crucial for success. The customer decides how he wants to support you and the consumer ultimately decides how relevant a product is. In order to be successful you need to understand both, which is accomplished through the multifunctional team setup at P&G.

Laura Lörsch
Finance Intern in Vienna
Frankfurt Dean’s list student

What is an internship at P&G like?
I did several internships before but working for P&G was a completely new and great experience. From the first day onwards, I have gained the responsibility to work on my own project which had a real impact on the everyday business. Developing strategies and solving complex tasks in a team of highly motivated and ambitious people makes P&G a great place to be. Additionally, thanks to P&G’s leadership driven company culture, I participate in a wide range of trainings and coaching so that I can develop the skills to become a true business leader.

Ann-Kathrin Rasch
Finance Intern in Ffm
WHU student

What is the key learning from your current role?
Even though I am an intern in Finance and Accounting, I work closely with Sales and Marketing. I enjoy working in a multifunctional team and have the chance of benefiting from their skills and experiences. Despite being new to the team, my ideas are appreciated, I can make a difference for the business and learn skills beyond Finance and beyond work.

Carsten Kortmann
Corporate Market
Strategy & Planning
13 yrs at P&G

Why should anyone consider P&G as employer?
P&G offers great opportunities to develop as a person and professional. Most important, the employees at P&G are very friendly and helpful. I can highly recommend working at P&G.

What is your favorite part of the job?
The fact that every day comes a new challenge and there is always something new to learn. Secondly, it is so great to see the spirit and team work of diverse group – especially when facing challenging situations.

What is important to you in your career?
That I can stay true to myself and that I can come to the office in the morning with a smile and leave it being equally happy!

How would you describe your colleagues?
“Buddies” or partners in crime

Shreyas Satish
Product Supply DACH
7 month at P&G

How would you describe the atmosphere at P&G?
P&G has a very warm, vibrant and accommodating environment. Colleagues are very helpful and provide valuable feedback and suggestions.

What is the next step in career?
I got the wonderful opportunity to write my Master thesis in collaboration with P&G. Soon, I will also start as a full time employee in a different site in Germany.

If you had the choice, would you choose P&G again?
Yes! Certainly.

Frank Jacobi
Market Logistics Leader
16 yrs at P&G

What is the key learning from your current role?
It is vitally important to be collaborative and value differences. With everyone enabled to speak up, these differences always lead to the best possible solution for our business.

Why should anyone consider P&G as employer?
P&G is coaching and training employees for a leadership career. As a raise from within company, P&G seeks to develop and enhance leadership potential in all its employees. This means that I am rewarded if I have passion and ownership for my business or project.

Manuel Donnermeyer
Market Strategy & Planning
Intern since 1 month

What do you like most in P&G?
P&G is mainly hiring talents straight after their university graduation. Working in these young teams is always fun and my colleagues are encouraging me with their drive. Besides work, you are making friends in P&G very quickly. You soon realize how relationships to your colleagues go beyond the daily routine. This is truly special, unique and makes work much more satisfying.

Michelle Jax
Market Strategy & Planning
Intern since 1 month

What is the thing you like the most at P&G?
I really like at P&G that you are taken seriously at work. Right at my first day I had the impression that my work will really make a business impact and that I will be appreciated for my work. Furthermore, I enjoyed experiencing how approachable and professional the people are at the same time. In my opinion, this is the perfect combination to thrive in your work and enjoy it.

What is important to you in your career?
It is very crucial to me to have very good opportunities to develop during my career. P&G offers great trainings that help me to achieve this goal. Furthermore, it is important to me to work in a pleasant environment

Melanie Lehr
Brand Manager
eCom Channel
8 yrs at P&G

What is your favorite part of the job?
I am currently working in a European Customer Marketing role, responsible for one of our biggest ecommerce customers. Previously I was working consumer focused on initiative design and delivery into markets. I really enjoy being now part of a customer team where I am turning the consumer knowledge into business opportunities with the customer. This requires new skills beyond my marketing function such as negotiation trainings.

Why should anyone consider P&G as employer?
The culture of P&G is our backbone. I value most the great quality of people we work with and our strong values especially when it comes to trust into employees.

Marissa Blank
Finance Intern in Ffm
CBS student

What is the thing you like the most at P&G?
As an intern at P&G, you do not assist in daily business, but you manage your own project. This implies full responsibility right from the beginning. I really appreciate that I can freely decide about all project-related topics and that I am the person in charge for any questions or feedback. At the same time, I can approach everybody in the company, no matter which level in hierarchy for support and coaching. It shows how P&G is both trusting and promoting its interns.

Karriereplaner - Ausgabe: SS 2016